Sunday, April 18, 2010

I am Back

Not much has happened design-wise in the past year or so. I became sidetracked with my day job (as an engineer) and we have been trying to sell our home. I had a fantastic room dedicated to sewing in my previous home. It was an entire wall of counters and storage space. The space between the counter and the ceiling was a continuous sheet of glass looking out into the back yard. It was amazing.

Aside from that special gem of a sewing room, I had been desperate to sell that home and start anew. Two months ago, we moved into another home in the same town and just a few blocks away. It's still a large and comfortable home, but I don't have a set up to accommodate sewing or design.

This weekend I began a project to change all that. I purchased a sewing cabinet, unassembled, and then began the long slow process of putting it all together. Now it is complete and I am one step closer to getting back into the saddle. I think I will take it slow at first. I have a couple of projects that I need to knock out (curtains and clothes for the girls) before I get back to original designs. The good news is that I still have some designs in my head that have been waiting patiently for me to bring them to life. Hopefully, this is the year.

1 comment:

  1. you are all set and ready to go!!!!! I so understand needing a place to sew. That was really my problem with sewing...I didn't have a sewing room and I was constantly taking the machine out and putting it the machine is packed up!!! Now no more excuses from away girl!!!!
